Protocols from the 2010 Sobor of Bishops

Protocols / SOBOR of Bishops 2010



Sobor of the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

20 Sept / 3 Oct. 2010

Kiev, Ukraine


      The Sobor opened in the Monastery Church of St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai with the singing of the prayer "O Heavenly King," asking for the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

Each subsequent meeting began with the hymn "O Heavenly King" and concluded with the singing of "Meet it Is…..".

 The first sitting occurred in the Sts. Zacharius and Elizabeth Skete of St. John Monastery.

In Attendance:

 Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America; Vladimir.

Bishop of Vladivostok and the far East; Anastassi.

Bishop of Paris and Western Europe; Victor

Bishop of Saltonov and Moldovia; Alexei.

Bishop of Vasilksk; Tichon.


 Secretaries elected; their Graces Anastassi and Tichon.



1.      Bishops reports.

2.      Evaluation of candidates for episcopacy.   

3.      Examination of unorthodox statements of Dimitri Pevtsov and the parish meeting of the Moscow region under priest Andrew Scherbakov.

4.      The temporary order of administration for the Church Abroad.

5.      The position of our Church in relation to other groups claiming origin or  having fragmented from the ROCA.

6.      Miscellaneous.

7.      Epistle from the Bishops



1.   Bishop's Reports.

 Archbishop Vladimir recounted and reported events from the time of the conclusion of the last Sobor and spoke in regard to the eparchies of the Americas. Speaking of the Eastern Canadian Diocese, His Grace spoke about the events surrounding the miracle of the appearance of the Myrrh Streaming "Reigning" Icon of the Theotokos in Montreal.


 It was agreed to request that Archbishop Vladimir make copies pertinent to events for the Synodal Archives.



 Bishop Anastassi reported on conditions in the Vladivostok and Far Eastern diocese, Bishop Victor of the Parisian and Western European diocese and Bishop Alexei of the Moldovian diocese


3. Examination of unorthodox statements of Dimitri Pevtsov and the parish meeting of the Moscow region.


Archbishop Vladimir read from several thoughts of D. Pevtsov, offered at the invitation of the Sobor in his defense. Likewise His Grace read His own report on the teachings of the God-Man nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 It was decided: That the views of D. Pevtsov on the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ are heretical and to uphold the directive (ukaz) of Bp. Victor to remove him from the Church, pending his repentance. Further to publish the report of Archbishop Vladimir on the teaching of the Church regarding the God-Man nature of our Lord.

Carried: Unanimously


Without waiting for a reply to their request regarding the above, the priests ceased prayerful commemoration of their ruling Bishop Victor, and allowed D. Pevtsov to Communicate in the Church and further did not respond to the invitation to present themselves at the Sobor - to suspend the priests Andrew and Andronik pending their repentance.

Carried: Unanimously





2. Examination of candidates for Episcopacy.


Frs. Martine (Lapkovsky) and Cassian (Muhin) are invited to meet with the Sobor.

А) The president of the Sobor nominated  Fr. Martine (Lapkovsky) for elevation to the Episcopacy.

Decided: To relieve Bp. Victor from the temporary duty of the Diocese of Southern Russia and to appoint Abbot Martine (Lapkovsky) to the see of  Aleksinsk and Southern Russia. The hierotonia to take place 25 Sept / 08 Oct in the St. John the Wonderworker Monastery, Kiev.


Carried: Unanimously


B) Evaluating the proposal of Bp. Victor it is decided: To reallocate the Northern Russian diocese from the boundaries of the Southern diocese to canonical boundaries of Northwestern  Russia  as defined by the Russian Federation. Further, to relieve His Grace Victor of the Western European diocese and to appoint him to the Northern diocese with the title of Bishop of St. Petersburg and Northern Russia.



Carried: Unanimously

C) Evaluating the candidacy of Fr. Cassian (Muhin) the Sober decided: To elevate to the Episcopacy and appoint Bp. Cassian to the widowed see of Paris and Western Europe with the title of Bishop of Marseilles and Western Europe. The hierotonia to take place 27 Sept / 10 Oct in the St. John the Wonderworker Monastery, Kiev.

 Carried: Unanimously


4.  «  The temporary order of administration for the Church Abroad.».

 Bishop Anastassi read a petition to the Sobor from the St. Genadi of Novgorod,  Moscow and Kaluga communities and V. Kirillov.

Archbishop Vladimir read a report "Ón the temporary situation…".
Decided: To publish the report of Archbishop Vladimir.

Bishop Alexei offered his opinion on the matter.

Bishop Anastassi proposed to form a "Theological Committee" from the Synod. 


 Decided: To organize such a committee of the Synod under His Grace Anastassi with Bp. Tichon, Abbot Martine, Archpriest Laurence Roznov and Priest Alexander Davidov as members.

 Carried: Unanimously


5. The position of our Church in relations to other groups claiming origin or having                            fragmented from the ROCA.


Bishop Anastassi proposed to discuss a question about the possibility of consideration and exchange of opinions with other groups about the separations. 

Archbishop Vladimir read information about bishop Agafangel's position. 

Decided: To publish Bp. Vladimir's report on the position of Bishop Agafangel.

Consideration of discussions with other groups is only possible on the basis of their positions, declared By His Beatitude Metropolitan Vitaly of blessed memory in the circular epistle dated June 9/22, 2001 and in the extraordinary statement dated October 14/27, 2001.

 Carried: Unanimously




6. Miscellaneous.

 D) Bp. Victor read a request from Clergy and Laity to elect a metropolitan.

Bp. Anastassy presented letters from his diocese in accord.

Decided:  The Sobor thanks the requestors for their good intention and agrees to take the matter under review.

E) Archbishop Vladimir proposed to appoint a date for the next Sobor.

Decided: The next Sobor is appointed for 26 Sept / 09 Oct 2011 in Mansonville, Canada. 



7. Epistle from the Bishops



 The Epistle is being compiled and after review will be published.

Carried: Unanimously




President of the Sobor:


+  Archbishop Vladimir of San Francisco and Western America



+ Bishop Anastassi of Vladivostok and the Far East

 +Bishop Tichon of Vasilksk.




+Bishop Victor of St. Petersburg and Northern Russia,

 + Bishop Alexei of Saltonov and Moldovia